We went out for lunch, in fact I am a homy kind of person, and don't usually go out with the Girls, but this time with all the passion of leaving, I decided to accept the invitation, and really didn't regret it for even a second later.
the plan was that one of my dearest friends (miss class), will come to pick me up from my home, and we will pass by the hospital to wait for the others after they finish work, then we will go all together in two cars, to pick up another friend from her home.
the waiting at the hospital parking took longer than we expected, it was already 3:00 pm, and the girls didn't show up, so Miss class held her phone and started dialing their numbers to hurry them up, and here it was my funny shock...
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she own a good car, and Versace sun glass, and this poor mobile ( she hold them together for her pride coz I told her I will blog about her mobile), I couldn't believe that her phone was actually still working, till I heard her talking to the girls through it.
after that we went all together to pick up our last friend and we head to the nearest photoshoper to take a picture together
. .
then to the main destination, as all of us were starving, the Chinese resturant
we thought we will go out of the resturant hungry, coz we weren't familiar with it's service and first time we try it, and for me actually the first time I try chinese food.
the hardest jop was to chose from the menu, we make the waitress suffer, but it was really her problem coz she didn't understand neither English nor Arabic, how can we help that.
.Each time we ask her about something in the menu, she open her mouth and stretch her hands for a moment as if she is going to explain it, then she hurry to the kitchen, and quickly comeback with a big smile on her face, and small dish in her hands, with the raw ingredient on it !!! ... the poor waitress ... but we didn't want to waste our money, we had to ask before ordering things , it was really a total fun..
but the good thing that the food was great
a hopeless try with the sticks.
.and of course we didn't forget the sweets in another place near the chinese resturant
we couldn't believe that we still had a place for it, we rock all the diet rules
Thank u my friends, that was really a perfect memorail day,and the two of you who couldn't make it, you were missed...