
Saturday, January 21, 2012

TEDxTripoli is here! WeOOo !

     For years I have been on and off following TED events and enjoying their recorded inspirational talks. Never passed my mind that I will live a day that I see an independently organized TED event held in my hometown city of Tripoli! 

       Yes, TED is here in Tripoli but unfortunately I am not "here" to attend their first conference. The positive side of the story is that merely knowing there is a TED event held in Tripoli gave me a tremendous feeling of confidence and reassurance. I know for sure now that there is great people behind the curtains working on making Libya move toward the right path.  

       If you are in Libya, DO NOT MISS THIS EVENT which will be held Feb13th 2012. To apply fill in here .

For more information about the event, you can follow updates at:

PS.: Navigate over the red colored words, they are clickable.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

هَجَدْ ...

اشتاقت الروح الجسد
بعد ساعات من مفارقته ...
حضرت ..
فلم تُنهر .. ولم تُهجر
استيقظ لها الوعي
يهدئ من روعها 
وجاءت النفس تحاكيها
تنظر لعينيها
مملؤتين بالصمت 
رجفان قلبها المتسارع محسوس بين الأضلع
ماذا رأيت ياهذه لتكوني هلعة هكذا
 أجابتني بسكوت واجم
همست لها
 هوني عليك ولاتهتمي
فقط اذكريه
فلا اطمئنان لقلب إلا بذكره
ولادفء إلا تحت غطاء رحمته
ومن أنس به لم يستوحش لشئ ولالأحد
اصطحبتها  برفق إلى النافذة
 لنتأمل ليلا مظلماً متلألأ
تبثني شجونها الهادئة
وأفصح لها خواطري الضاجة
حتى ذهب عنها البأس
وتوارى السهاد
وأتى الهجع

من الثالثة حتى الخامسة صباحا

Friday, January 6, 2012

خَدشْ جُرَح ...

تعثرت بها
 ضمادة قديمة
خانتها ذاكرتها
نزعتها بخفة وسرعة لترمي بها
حادا صاعقا انتشر الألم
تفتقت السماء والأرض
سال  الأحمر القاني
كتمت صرخة
ابتلعت ريقا مالحا
لم تحملها ركبتاها
خرت ساجدة
رحماك ربي

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chasing the Sun !

Chasing the sun
Yes, I have been chasing it throughout my day !

Have you ever wished that your day is longer than 24 hrs?  Well, I do all the time, and my wish come true Dec 31st 2011 ... I lived  a day that is literally 35 hours long , riding above the clouds, over the Atlantic, back to US, after a relaxing visit to home. 

The Shy Sun

Whatever was the length of your day, it will always come to an end ... So be certain to enjoy the length when you have happy times , and remember  that there is an end  when you have hard ones. 

Riding over the clouds