It was the last day for the 5th year pediatrics clinical exam, I will write out a short idea how the exam is running, each day there are 60 candidates (5th year medical students) , each candidate have to be examined by 4 committees, in each of the 3 committees there is a baby or a child to be medically examined by the 5th year medical student, in front of two examiners who will discuss the case with him, then they evaluate and put his mark, and the 4th committee is an oral exam; to prepare all these committees, with the babies and children to be examined, we have to arrive to the hospital at 7:15 to 7:30 am, with two of my colleagues, we are the coordinators, over the tutors, who will organize these committees.
I wake up before dawn, wash, take my breakfast, and just immediately after alfajer, I got dressed, and hurry up to the hospital, we finish every day around 3:00 p.m.
That continued for 9 days, every day I back home, with every single muscle cell in my legs and feet ,crying eagerly for rest, and my head is throbbing like a drum, I say to myself, tomorrow will be another similar day, so get some rest deary, or u will be done, so I eat, pray, and sleep like a child...
I wake up before dawn, wash, take my breakfast, and just immediately after alfajer, I got dressed, and hurry up to the hospital, we finish every day around 3:00 p.m.
That continued for 9 days, every day I back home, with every single muscle cell in my legs and feet ,crying eagerly for rest, and my head is throbbing like a drum, I say to myself, tomorrow will be another similar day, so get some rest deary, or u will be done, so I eat, pray, and sleep like a child...
While all this is running, I have to catch up my English classes , and I do attend them, but with less energy, today as usual we finished the exam at 3:00 p.m., and my English class start today at 2:00 p.m., I decided that I will join the class after the break coz we usually take two different subjects, one before and the other after the break, I am that kind of student, who try as much as she can to not miss any thing ,so we hurry up, me and a friend of mine, using her car, breaking through the traffic jam, to reach there at the time of the break, we luckily found a park quickly, speeded to the building, took the stair up to the classes, she joined her class, and I proceeded to my class to find it ...
da .. da .. da .. daaa ...
surprisingly empty, first thing passed my mind, they are in a break , but as I was proceeding forward to the board, there it was written in a big letters:
Ivan (the teacher) is unwell today, and he will be absent ...
so every body already passed by, and left...
I paused, thought for a moment, then I smiled , took the color pen , and wrote on the board, wish you get well soon, and draw a smily face beside it, with excitement I turned back home , home sweet home I am coming , and tomorrow is the weekend, so an endless sleep is waiting for me.
when I think about it I think may be tistahli cos of what you put the fifth year's student into I remember getting this Duchene Muscular Dystrophy case in my pediatric exams sheni hada dagit khalas , but it wasn't in TMC or I will think may be you have part in this .
I am just kidding good luck and inshallah rabi y3eenik :)
Its a hard life, what more can i say? but I think you are copping with the stress better than you let go :) ... My father is actually a pediatric cardiologist Consultant here in the UK and when we were in Libya he use to be an examiner and I would go to these exams :) with him ... Anyway Good Luck and may allah be with you
Regarding the teacher, I think they should have told you and the msg was a nice thought from you ...
Fe Aman Allah
اول ماشتف الصور انخلعت نحسابك مريضه قلت خلي نجي نلحق علي الوصيه لوووووووول
والله ماعندي مانقولك
غير ربي يوفقكَ وخلاص
تعرفي لحالة الغريبه الي اني فيها هالأيام
libyano ... nice nice,nice ur 1st comment on my blog is tistahli, thank you, ma9"bola menk... hahaha Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,did u do the Gower's sign, hahaha, shaklah feh 7ad tani yestahel, some doctors are too evil.
u know we try to keep the simple cases especially for the long case, but it is an exam, and somtimes all the mothers are fade up, or there is no more simple cases, for this huge number of students.
to pass in 5th year exam, u should just have, basic medical knowledge plus no fetal mistakes, simple enough to be a safe doctor, but we all know, those Examiners who practise their behavioural and psychological illness, on the students.
a_akak ... my life was't that hard except recently, "مابعد الضيق الا الفرج", I always say that to encourage myself.
it is my honor to meet a sucessful libyan paediatric cardilogist,we don't have much of them here.
thanx for th supporting words
loelyh... انا مرضت بنحق , نوضت انيوم مزكومة, وحانتي حانة, شكنه تعب الايام الى فاتو ولا عنيا...
فتعاني ياتنحقي يامتنحقيش عالوصية
Gower's sign is the only thing that saved me because I didn't know anything about the disease because simply I didn't study it at all , alhamdulilah I knew there was a weakness and I did the gower's sign and you know I stood watching with my jaw falling because it was hte first time I see +ve gower's sign and it was so clear and that what made the examiner happy and forgot about em saying I don't know which type of inheritance duchenne is
i can see ur given it ur best shot gd luck,sis
nice to see ur getting the house in order as planned, u make excelent coordinator,now u can rest and have few days off,
hope ur english examas will go well to,
Salam Enlightened Spirit,
Ahhhh the craziness of life that somehow we all manage to get through, then look back upon one day and wonder how on earth we did it. :-) I've always been curious to know how medical staff manage to stay so well(or maybe it's a false conception on my part) in the mist of dealing with so many sick people.
libyano ...
don't u know it's mode of inheritance, shame on u ...
don't u know that ur patient going to die if u don't know the mode of inheritance?
hah, they just want those kind of dumb brains which only memorize.
dusk till dawn ...
yes, I actually got 3 days off, which are not enough at all, especially with the flu which I catch from the 1st day off, but I have no choice, I have to cope, thanx for ur wishes.
ibeebarbie ...
life craziness, yes we have to go through it, if we wanted to progress.
u know when I first started to work, I got a flu, nearly after each duty, but now it seems that my immunity strengthened, so we are't really so well.
thank u all for passing by.
You are so talented I said it before and I will say it again I really enjoyed every word you wrote keep it going, good luck
By the way get well soon you too ;P
Well, I always hear from my friends about these exams, but never thought about the hard work behind preparing it, only thought the students had a hard time; thanks for bringing it up and highlighting it .
And I'll try to hope your teacher gets well soon, even though the alternative means more rest for you :P.
salaam and cut back on the medical terms between you and Libyano :P.
Hatem Barouni ...
ok, u made me blush, thank u, glad u enjoy reading my humble blog.
ph ...
well , when I was a student, I never tut it is so hard to be organized, tell I became an organizer.
life teach us every day.
I misssss my class, so I hope truly for our teacher to get well, just that day I was sooooo tired.
Bonne courage and may Allah bless your steps. I remember how my daughter and my son had to go throug this ordeal. Keep up the good work.
Oh,the happy days of being examined!!!!but now you are supevising,huh?
Apparently you were secretely happy that ur teacher was absent that day,come on ,admit it ,we are all friends here!!!
Seriously,i wish you best of luck with all you do.
Benghazi Citizen
Allah bless u, ur daughter, ur son, Allah bless all ur family, and thanx for supportive words, it is more than appreciated.
benghazi citizen...
well, even though it was more stressful to be an examinee, but at least I felt more free, I was only responsible on myself no one else, but now I am in response of all the patients and all the students, and all thier nagging and their special requests waaaaaaak.
ok, I still cann't say I was happy, but I can say that I felt relaxed coz there wasn't any lessons that day.
thanx for ur wishes...
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