
Saturday, May 15, 2010

What do you want, Enlightened?

The Tunnel looks dark at it's end!

I'm stuck for a while in one of those ugly moments of " What do you really want, Enlightened? "

Hope it will not stay for long!

Because strange bad answers are floating in the air, and Enlightened is not happy with those answers.

If Enlightened is not happy with the answers, How it comes that those are the answers!

"Happy" should be a logic consequence for "Want".

Am I messing things up ?!

I'm proceeding forward in the hope that I will see the light at some point, while I am approaching the end.
Am I going to see the light ?

Allah is the only one who knows!

ونِعم بالله
These two shots was taken in Central park / New York, Oct/2009


ibeebarbie said...

Salam Enlighted Spirit,

I can understand the quandry.....been there countless times myself, and assuredly will again sometime.

These two quotes came to me within the last two days, so thought I'd share with you.

We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them.-Unknown

... focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. -Greg Anderson

Akshayxpear said...

naice..:) :)

check out my sketches and my photographs at my blog