Now, concentrate with me and follow these instructions carefully:
- Don't ever ever ever, and at any circumstances click on the first one Dislike. If you do so, you will trigger an attack of crying and sadness, that might progress to a sever depression, and probably suicide. "Waaah , they don't like my writing, they don't like me. Everybody hates me. How can I live with that? ".
- Focus, Click on the second one always, and more than once if possible. By doing this you will accomplish your dream in this life.... Imagine!!! you will be adding colors of joy and happiness to someones life. And this someone is possibly a stranger to you. What a good deeds you are doing!
You might ask, so why didn't you make it one choice and one click from the first place, just the Like button ? Good question!
But then I will get just half the feeling of joy, which will come from the big number in front of the Like button, the other half of joy which I should get from the zero in front of the Dislike button, will be missing.
Now seriously, how many of you wished to have that Dislike button on facebook?
I think my blog is beating the popularity of facebook by having this Dislike button...
Someone is nodding his head out there and saying: No doubt!
But wait, that was followed by: When was the last time you have seen your doctor?
But wait, that was followed by: When was the last time you have seen your doctor?
I totally LIKED your post!
Dislike is for haters :-P
بعد التهديدات بالاحباط والانتحار هادي كلها معندناش خيار الا نقولو حاضر من ناحيتي على الاقل
بس شنو هالنشاط عالبلوق الايامات هادي ما شاء الله ما شاء الله ماناخدش بالعين ماتخافيش :)
فكرة حلوة عجبتني
there should be a dislike buttonon facebook!
salam ,,,
i couldn't find any likes or dislikes around the blog :(
but one thing i am sure of ,,, is that i liked the idea :) and i was seeing you screaming and shouting around because someone clicked by mistake on the dislike button :)
i like the dislike idea to like your post :)
thank you for the free smile :)
Lebeeya ...
There is a hater out there :( Oh! or may be not a hater.
“The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know”
Meme ...
شن قصدك من غير تهديدات شن كنت بتقولي
معليشي جعانة كتيبة ليا سنة مربوطة
بس هالنشاط مش حيطول للأسف بالكثير شهر وحنختفى ثاني
بس دائما لعودة ان شاء الله
yes there should be. Mine is available till they got one.
Come follow me ... First open the Layout page, it will open automatically on the page elements, from there go to Edit blog post, it should be at the center of the layout page. Another page will open in front of you when u click on the Edit on the blog post.
In the new page look for reaction, you will find three options for the reaction. U can edit them make them less as I did, or u can chose more than three. And of course u can change the sentences as u wish just keep a coma in between to separate the options for the reacitons.
Thanx for the dislike (:
Even if it was as a joke this time, I need to see it for real sometime.
Keep the smile spreading
“The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know”
lol, wallah that is so true. Love the quote!
What buttons? Where's the beef? But seriously, I would hit the "like" button if I could find it.
I Liked your post! So I hope this brings you joy!
Who ever pressed the dislike- tsk, tsk!
Check out my blog!!
Glad u love it.
It is below the last sentence in each of my post.
Cann't u find it ???
Anyone else can't see it??? strange!
I opened my blog the other day from another PC and couldn't see the white back ground under my writing... All the writing was directly on the greenish beackground picture. Of course u can't read the words easily that way. I wonder how many of the readers out there, see my blog in that format.
Thanx for giving ur time to express ur "Like" when u couldn't find the button.
Thank you...
Don't worry about the dislike, I am overconfident that it was a wrong hit .... lol
me like *_^
like .. dislike .. like .. dislike .. like ... dislike mmmmmmm ,,,
realy realy i like ths post & 2 be sure show my toooth ^_^
according 2 my facebook experience i thought if thers dislike button there no body wll use it espechialy when came across male 2 female profile or female 2 male profile .. believe me its painful truth " so mojamalt there " ...
no bdy now can differentiate between i dislike ths post bt not dislike what u wrote before & this is da idea !!
Good Block.
Enjoy with me in Thailand
السلام عليكم
اممممم اسلوب جيد لدعوتنا للضغط على الزر وليكن زر الاعجاب بما كتبتي
“The people to fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are too cowardly to let you know”
now the Conspiracy Theory is working in my mind
I dislike this post :p
i definitely agree with the dislike button..facebook should add it..but i'm thinking about the negative connotation of the dislike button..oh well..i think it's always better to have more options
I really like your voice your opinion box and I really want something like this to my blog, could you send me the code of it (how can I put to my blog) if it is not a big problem? thanks
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